Exchanges and returns

Return Instructions and Customer Service

Received the wrong items or noticed defects in your order? Please email us at so we can assist you further.

Not satisfied with the items you received? You can return them to us within 14 days of receipt, provided they are in their original and resalable condition.

What to Expect After Returning:

  • Full Refund: Once we receive and inspect your return, you will receive a full refund. Please note that return shipping costs are at your expense.
  • Refund Conditions: We cannot refund or exchange items that appear used or opened, or are not in their original condition.

How to Request a Return:

  1. Download and Fill Out the Return Form: Request the return form using the form below.
  2. Send Your Return Form and a Photo of the Products: Email these to
  3. Package Your Return Carefully: Ensure that your return meets all conditions and clearly mark 'Returns' on the outside of your package.
  4. Use an Insured Tracked Service: This ensures your package arrives safely.
  5. Send a Follow-Up Email: Email us your tracking information at

Return Address:

Please send returns to the following address:

[Insert Return Address Here]

Return Conditions and Guidelines:

  • Condition of Items: All returned items must be unused, unopened, and in their original packaging.
  • Shipping Costs: Return shipping costs are your responsibility.
  • Packaging: Ensure items are well-packaged to prevent damage during return shipping.
  • Insurance and Tracking: Use a traceable, insured shipping service to avoid loss or damage during transit.
  • Approval: Ensure your return form is approved. Returns without approval may not be processed.

Easy Returns in Three Simple Steps:

  1. Request the Return Form: Use the contact form below and provide your order number, email address, and reason for return.
  2. Send Your Order: Ship the items along with the completed return form to the return address. Make sure to include a tracking code.
  3. Receive Your Refund: Once we receive and inspect your return, we will process your refund within five business days.

Contact Us:

Have questions about your return or want to discuss something else? We are here to help! You can reach us at:
